I am Licrality

Hi, I am Lia, the face behind Licrality.

I am a female hobby photographer, and aspire to work in motorsport in the future.

On this page, I document my journey on my blog and showcase my work in my portfolio. Right now, I focus on visiting as many motorsport events as possible in my free time, to gather experience in the field.

I discovered motorsport in 2022 through social media and was quickly intrigued by its multifaceted nature.


My original journey with photography however started with family trips around Germany and viewing its sights. Cities, their culture and architecture are what I focus on in my everyday photography. Since I got my very first digital camera when I was 8 years old, the history and its relationship with nature have been what I try to capture in my pictures.


Check out my portfolio and choose between motorsport or travel to get an insight on my work.


Read about my experiences as a hobby photographer in the world of motorsport.

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